
Views from Isolation Complete!

It’s taken a few months as I’ve juggled them between other projects, but I’ve finally inked the final view from isolation that was submitted.

If you haven’t been following this project, it was a project I began when we all first went into lockdown this year. Since we were all stuck seeing the same-old sights day in and day out, I asked everyone to send me what they saw from their windows so that I could illustrate them. I thought it would be a refreshing and cheerful way to deal with the confusion and anxiety.


I was met with an overwhelming response as I was flooded with photos from people around the world. The gratitude and messages of cheer that I received after posting the finished pieces reflected positivity back towards me and helped my own struggles in adjusting to the new normal.

You can check out the page I’ve added HERE.

If you submitted a view and would like to purchase my illustration, send a request HERE.

Thanks to everyone who made a tough few months better! I hope you’re all doing well and finding your stride.

